Why "SPILL"?

Why "SPILL"?

We set up 7 of them...

It took 7 different Urls and instagram accounts to find a name for our new tea brand. It's a lot of pressure...

Finding a name for your brand is a lot of pressure...

You will have to live with it.

You want something people will remember - short is good.

And you want it to say something about what you're trying to do.

Here's how we went around the houses and arrived at "SPILL"...


The first real contender.

Because we wanted to set up a small tea company after realising the big tea company world was not for us. 

And small things, done everyday, make a big impact.

So that was that.

Wrote it on the top of the business plan. Bought the url. Made an instagram account.

But one day a friend screwed up her face when she heard it. And it touched a nerve...

Deep down, we knew. 

'Teanie' was too cutesy. 

So then came - “Fairer”

Because we wanted to make tea fairer - on tea farmers.

Changed the top of the business plan. And got a new url.

'Fairer' was taken on instagram so we set up 'itsfairer' - we quite liked that.

Then Max (Lou's boy, 11), asked if 'fairer' was really a name. Said it sounded wrong - like saying 'morer'. 

And someone else said it was rather serious - he didn’t think that was very ‘us’.

We chose to take that as a compliment. 

So then came - “Fairs fair"

Like “Fairer” - but less serious. When you say it, you sort of do a shrug. 

We changed all the stuff again. And decided that was that.

Patience - neither of our strong suits.

But that wasn't really that. And we kept bouncing...

“Stir” - pretty good. But Sofia’s Dad can’t say it.

“Rise” - pretty good. But a coffee brand already has it.

One of us suggested “Share” (as in “fair share”) and the other thought they said “Cher”.

We laughed so much, we almost went for it. 

Then, along came Sharon. 

She helps us with our accounts. And often brings us back to earth.

“What about 'Spill'?” she said “People say ‘spill the tea’ instead of beans now."
"And that’s what you’re doing - telling the truth about tea.”


When you know, you know.

In March 2023 we named our idea (thanks Sharon) and worked on giving it some clothes.

In July 2023 we registered it.

And in 2024, we finally let it leave the house. 

Thank you for making it so welcome.

If you’re looking for a short brand name, or a laugh, the photo shows some of the names that got away. Which would you have chosen?