Who GREW your tea?

Laurent Kayonga | Rwanda | 2023

get the spill on tea


SPILL, the Everyday Tea.
Teabags, Loose tea and Storage Tins to keep it fresh.

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here is spill

We drink 2 cups of tea a day. Every day.

Make it bold, not "meh". Thick, not thin. Full-bodied, not wishy washy. Golden, not grey.

Here is SPILL - it totally hits the spot.

We can tell you who's grown it. And what they're paid (at least 50% more than Fairtrade).

Comes in paper recycable pouches - minimal packaging.

good plucking

& bad plucking

SPILL tea is from Rwanda where tea farmers have a formal plucking standard for selecting the best quality tea leaves. It's a serious business; the freshest two leaves and a bud. From the top of the bush. Not too big, not too small.

Farmers receive a premium for plucking tea to this very high standard. And they pluck by hand; hands see better than machines.

Photo: Denise, plucking tea in Rugabano, Sept 23

From Our Blogs

Do you grow your potatoes in pots?

Laurent: Farmer 1
Starting growing tea: 2007
Tea field: 0.8 hectares
Wants: An iPhone and an olive tree

Before growing tea, Laurent grew plantain and potatoes and traded them in local markets.

Smallholder farmer headshot outside home in Rugabano, Rwanda

Everything I have is because of tea...

Gianpierre and Cartas: Farmers 4 & 5
Started growing tea: 2018
Tea field: 0.4 hectares
Wants: More land for more tea!

We met Gianpierre, Cartas, and baby Brighten during our first visit to Rugabano. Gianpierre tells us how everything he has he has bought with tea!

Everything I have is because of tea...

Are you ready yet?

Emaunel & Lucie - Farmers 2 & 3
Part 2

In March 2023, we visited smallholder tea farmers Emanuel and Lucie at Rugabano in Rwanda for the second time. They updated us on how tea growing was going for them.

Are you ready yet?

Become A Stockist

We have options for you to serve and sell tea in your business or office.


I only drink Yorkshire tea. I love it. I have it in my bag if I go to someone's house. But this is even better. I'm a bit upset.

– Jess, Yorkshire Tea lover, Wandsworth

strong and not bitter

I'm on my second cup and wow oh wow. It's strong but not bitter. Lovely bright colour. Familiar but somehow different. I had it with oat and then regular milk and both gorgeous.

– Sofia's friend, Izzi, London


Shock horror - the tea is banging.

–  our friend Sarah, ex-teapig, Teddington


You've hit the nail with this one. Other teas you can keep drinking and drinking and you're not satisfied but this really hits the spot.

– Lou's friend Lil, Norfolk